February 16, 2023

Easily enable Kerberos for the whole workflow

REANA 0.9.0 makes it easy to enable Kerberos authentication for an entire workflow orchestration. This can be useful when the workflow decides on its computational steps depending on the number of input files located on an external restricted file system.

Enable Kerberos for a single workflow step

Until REANA 0.9.0, it was possible to enable Kerberos support only for certain workflow steps on a step-by-step basis. For example, if a workflow would like to publish the output plots on a restricted external storage backend such as EOS, the reana.yaml workflow specification would look as follows:

  type: serial
      - name: myfirststep
        environment: ...
          - ...
      - name: mysecondstep
        environment: ...
          - ...
      - name: publish
        kerberos: true
        environment: "reanahub/reana-auth-krb5:1.0.1"
          - mkdir -p /eos/home-j/johndoe/myoutputs/myplots
          - cp myplots/*.png /eos/home-j/johndoe/myoutputs/myplots

Note that you would need to specify the kerberos: true workflow hint for each step of the workflow where the Kerberos authentication was necessary. This approach works well, but it may be tedious if you need to add the Kerberos hint for many steps in your workflow.

Enable Kerberos at the workflow orchestration level

As of REANA 0.9.0, it is now possible to enable Kerberos at the workflow orchestration level itself by setting the kerberos: true hint in the reana.yaml resources clause.

As a realistic example of where this feature may come useful, let us consider an analysis using an unknown number of input files located on a remote server that is only accessible with Kerberos credentials, for example on eosuser.cern.ch:

$ xrdfs root://eosuser.cern.ch ls -l /eos/user/j/johndoe/mydata/
---- 2023-01-23 15:10:24       12345 /eos/user/j/johndoe/mydata/myfile_1.csv
---- 2023-01-23 15:10:31       23456 /eos/user/j/johndoe/mydata/myfile_2.csv
---- 2023-01-23 15:10:35       34567 /eos/user/j/johndoe/mydata/myfile_3.csv

Let us write a Snakemake workflow that will fetch these input data files concurrently irrespective of their number as the first step of our workflow. First, we shall include the above mentioned resources clause in the reana.yaml workflow specification file:

    - Snakefile
    input: inputs.yaml
  type: snakemake
  file: Snakefile
    kerberos: true
  - myoutput.png

The Snakefile workflow definition can now rely on Kerberos being available, and we can define the first fetch_data step using XRootD remote provider as follows:

from snakemake.remote.XRootD import RemoteProvider as XRootDRemoteProvider

XRootD = XRootDRemoteProvider(stay_on_remote=True)

file_numbers = XRootD.glob_wildcards("root://eosuser.cern.ch//eos/user/j/johndoe/mydata/myfile_{n}.csv").n

rule all:
        expand("mylocaldata/myfile_{n}.csv", n=file_numbers)

rule fetch_data:
        "xrdcp {input[0]} {output[0]} && mkdir -p mylocaldata && touch {output[0]}"

(Note that currently you need to have a valid Kerberos ticket at the time of workflow submission on the machine from where you are submitting this workflow, so that reana-client can analyse the remote directory content regarding the number of file inputs.)

The workflow will automatically generate multiple concurrent fetch_data jobs, one for each remote input file.

The same technique, specifying kerberos: true in the resources clause of your reana.yaml workflow specification files, can be used to declare the Kerberos dependency for all the steps of your CWL, Serial, Snakemake or Yadage workflows.

See also

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