December 7, 2022

Automatically delete workspace files using custom retention rules

It can be useful to be able to keep some files in your workflow’s workspace only for a limited period of time, for example if your workflow generates huge temporary files that consume your disk quota. It is always possible to remove any unnecessary workspace files manually, but it may be quite a tedious process. Therefore, we are introducing the possibility to define custom workspace file retention rules to allow fully automated deletion of unnecessary files inside workspaces.

You can define custom file retention rules in the reana.yaml specification file of your workflow. For example, this is how you would specify that you would like to delete files in tmp1 one day after the workflow run successfully terminates, large tmp2/*.root files seven days after and temporary tmp3/*.csv files thirty days after:

    tmp1: 1
    tmp2/*.root: 7
    tmp3/*.csv: 30

Please note that files and directories specified as inputs or outputs of your workflow will never be deleted, even if they match one of the retention rules. This is to make sure that your workflows can be recalled and reproduced even many years in the future.

For any of your workflow runs, you will be able to verify the active file retention information status through the web interface, where you will also find the information about any scheduled file deletion times:

Retention rules in the web UI

You can also use the new retention-rules-list command of reana-client to list the retention rules for a particular workflow using the command line:

$ reana-client retention-rules-list -w reana-demo-root6-roofit
tmp1              1                2022-12-06T23:59:59   active
tmp2/*.root       7                2022-12-12T23:59:59   active
tmp3/*.csv        30               2023-01-04T23:59:59   active

To learn more about retention rules and how they work, please take a look at the related Workspace retention documentation page.


Workspace file retention rules will be part of the REANA 0.9.0 release series. However, you can already use them on the instance.

See also

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